Labs and facilities
We have access to a large variety of characterization technique "in house", such as
- NMR-Spektroscopy (300 MHz instrument)
- Mass spectrometry (e.g. MALDI-Tof-MS, ESI-MS, GC-MS)
- Liquid chromatography (e.g, SEC mit DMAc, THF, Chloroform, HPLC)
- Analytical ultracentrifuge (AUZ)
- Asymmetric flow field-flow fractionation (AF4)
- Flow-cytometry Confocal microscopy
- ...

Bruker Autoflex maX MALDI-TOF/TOF Mass Spectrometer
Bruker's Maldi-ToF Autoflex maX can be used for polymer molecular weight determination, polymer end group analysis, and small protein/peptide sequencing studies. Both positive and negative ions can be detected.
Reflectron mode provides enhanced resolution up to m/z 10 kDa for small molecules. Linear mode is used for larger molecules and offers lower resolution but higher sensitivity for larger polymers and proteins up to m/z 100 kDa.

Mettler Toledo DSC3
The Mettler Toledo DSC3 provides thermal characterization over a temperature range of -85°C to 450°C. Measurements can be performed in an inert nitrogen (N2) or air atmosphere (O2/N2 mixture). An automatic sample changer ensures reliable round-the-clock operation.